International Relation
International relations activities and project management in 2011
Besides VBSP also had the chance to welcome some organizations which want to learn about VBSP’s activities such as: the World Bank (WB), the French Development Fund (AFD), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), JICA – Japan, DANIDA – Denmark, DFID – United Kingdom, Pathfinder international, Chemonics international, Bill Gates Fund etc.
VBSP senior delegation attending APRACA forum in Iran
VBSP’s international relations activities have been growing rapidly and deeply.
In 2011, inheriting and promoting the achievements of the previous year, VBSP initially approaches with international financial organizations, international development agencies and embassies supporting ODA for Vietnam (WB, ADB, AFD, KFW, JICA, JERI); relates to other ministries and agencies to enlist the support and search for collaborative capacities and projects. International relations activities have helped our partners, individuals and foreign organizations to better understand on the functions, missions, organizational regulations and specific characteristics operations of VBSP, thence VBSP built more effective multi-dimensional relationship, successful cooperation in many projects.
VBSP has constantly improving the status and prestige in the eyes of international friends is a reputing address for a number of partners to learn experiences and conclude projects. In 2011 VBSP has welcomed one delegation from the Central Bank of India, one delegation from Lao PDR, one senior level delegation from PKSF-Bangladesh. Besides VBSP also had the chance to welcome some organizations which want to learn about VBSP’s activities such as: the World Bank (WB), the French Development Fund (AFD), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), JICA – Japan, DANIDA – Denmark, DFID – United Kingdom, Pathfinder international, Chemonics international, Bill Gates Fund etc.
In 2011 VBSP actively joined in activities held by APRACA. Under the framework of cooperation with APRACA, VBSP sent a delegation (in June 2011) to Iran to participate in the 60th Execute Committee Meeting of Asia Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association and Asian Open Forum on Rural and Agricultural Finance: Policies and Programs to Meet the Challenges of Environmental Change. Also in the framework of this cooperation, VBSP has invited to take part in financial education for the poor held by ASIAN Credit cooperation union in June 2011 in Thailand and APRACA Training and research Center invited to participate in the course of agricultural and non-agricultural monitor and evaluation held in September 2011 in Indonesia.
Besides, in the framework of technical assistance (TA) to improve teaching skill, course organization, compiling of training materials on credit assessment for small and medium enterprises and training staff, Japan invited 07 VBSP’s staffs to Japanfrom May 23-28, 2011 to learn experience.
To continue to assert the status of VBSP in the international playground of microfinance, VBSP was also invited to attend the 2011 global microcredit summit took place in Valladolid, Spain. The theme of this summit was to reaffirm the use of microfinance as a tool in poverty alleviation, to share experiences and to discuss about common goals of global microcredit movement and dialogue to search for cooperation opportunities.
In the framework of cooperation with NAYOBY Bank (Lao PDR), this is the second time VBSP sent a delegation of 13 members led by General Director to work and visit NAYOBY Bank (Lao PDR) (the first time in 2010) after one year of signing MOU on the exchange of experience, training assistance, exchange of human resources in the implementation of preferential credit policies on the poor and other beneficiaries. During this visit, the delegation had a working visit at the office of NAYOBY Bank (Lao PDR) and operational model of some local branches.
Project management
To implement the funding withdrawal and transferring according to the Schedule of the signed Project, fulfill the commitment according to the contents of the signed agreement, the guidance of the SBV and other ministries and agencies; compliance strictly managing conditions stipulated in the agreement and guidance such as: the forestation sector development Project, lending program for small and medium enterprises (KFW Project), coastal wet land development Project (CWDP), fund for rural poor Project (OPEC), the rural income diversification project in Tuyen Quang province (RIDP) etc.
In 2011, within the framework of cooperation with the US government bailout funds (USAID) VBSP deployed the Project of providing micro-finance pilot service and employment for people living with and affected by HIV-AIDS an drug detoxification.
During operation, VBSP has received much attention from the Japanese for the technical cooperation Project in the phase III on strengthening the capacity of internal training system for VBSP. The objective of this technical cooperation Project is to instruct in developing training materials and training trainers (about 20 trainers) toward the newly establishment of internal training courses on credit analysis methods for small businesses in the VBSP. Microfinance sector research Project between VBSP and JERI. The objective was to: (i) enhance VBSP capacity on microfinance activities; (ii) learn experience of the Philippines on the new business models; (iii) recommend, consult on the draft of VBSP development strategy; and (iv) build microfinance studying documents, VBSP initially organized seminars to share experiences about microfinance.
Besides in 2011 Ford II Project piloted a new overseas remittance service at communal fixed date transaction point through supporting by overseas remittance company of Western Union and Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) in Thanh Hoa province. Up to now there has 15 in 26 district-level transaction of Thanh Hoa province that provides this service with remittance payment turnovers reached VND 3,143,920,000 and service charges received from BIDV VND 13,322,231. Forthcoming VBSP will replicate remittance payment model to some province such as Gia Lai province etc.
For the exposure and mobilization of the project
Project of Loan growth of microfinance sector
VBSP met and worked with the ADB’s consultant team to discuss loan to develop the microfinance sector worth USD 40 million including: program loan, project loan and technical assistance loan. Of which ADB, VBSP, SBV and MOF have completed negotiations on the framework of technical assistance about USD 4.5 million for VBSP.
Besides, VBSP continues to coordinate with Ministry of Health to complete a project proposal of clean water and sanitation to send to donors of DFID, DANIDA, AUSAID. Currently, DFID is hiring consultants to develop technical cooperation project proposals on household sanitation: linking needs of people with supporting of preferential loans. The objective of the project is to communicate, mobilize community in contributing and borrowing loans of VBSP to build and use hygienic latrines that contributing to the national target program for clean water and rural sanitation in the period 2011-2015. Total expected cost of the project implementation is USD 495,000.
In the framework of the forest sector development project, VBSP continues to prepare for additional financial support of the World Bank with the aim of planting 25,000 hectares of production forests in 6 central provinces: Hue, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An from 2012 to 2015 with USD 13,680,207 of expected credit. Besides addition loans is expected to focus on components such as institutional development consultants with the amount of USD 650,000; controlling and supervision expenses of VBSP is USD 50,000; internal and external training and seminars is USD 300,000 and buying mobile banking vehicles is USD 880,000 USD.
In addition to the above projects, VBSP also get ODA fund through the sate budget with the Poverty Reduction Support Credit. This is a new tool of assisting the strategy on national economic development and poverty reduction. The donors (Asian Development Bank (ADB), Canada, Denmark and British Ministry of International Development, European Union, France, Ireland, Bank of Development and Cooperation from Japan, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden) finance via WB to support the Vietnam State Budget with a view to boosting high and sustainable economic development, effective conduction of poverty reduction policy. The Government has used this funding source to supplement the charter capitals of VBSP since 2005. In 2011 VBSP constantly contacted and worked with major donors of PRSC program in order for chartered capital supplementation. On 10th November, 2011 the Government has approved a policy and negotiation framework with WB on financing agreements for the 10th development policy to support poverty reduction (PRSC 10), of which the Government is expected to supply the addition capital of VND 2,000 billion for VBSP.
- Newsletter Vol 5.2023
- The exposure visit of the Nepal delegation of ASDP in Vietnam
- WB highly appreciates the operation model of VBSP
- VBSP's operating model should be learned and replicated by others countries
- Results of 20 years of cooperation between VBSP and Policy Research Institute - Ministry of Finance of Japan
- VBSP continues sharing experiences on social policy credit to APRACA Secretary General
- General Director Duong Quyet Thang worked with the delegation of SKBBL
- Nayoby Bank, Lao PDR successfully pilot experiences from Vietnam Bank for Social Policies
- Online meeting "Sharing experiences on measures for supporting Covid-19 hit customers”
- VBSP General Director worked with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cuba in Vietnam
- International relation activities in 2010
- International relation activities in 2009
- International relation activities in 2008
- International relation activities in 2007
- International relation activities in 2006
- International relation activities in 2005
- International relation activities in 2004

- Social policies bank asked to diversify capital sources to best serve the poor
- Deputy Prime Minister Ho Duc Phoc chairs a working session with VBSP
- Policy credit helps poor households eliminate temporary and dilapidated houses
- Policy credit contributes to sustainable poverty reduction
- Effectiveness of Loan Capital for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
- Eliminating temporary and dilapidated houses with policy credit funds
- Policy credit supports ethnic minority youth in starting businesses
- Effectiveness of Policy Credit in Nghia Hanh District
- Women play an important role in growth of Vietnam's banking sector
- Ex-prisoners stabilize their lives thanks to policy credit