Lending to emigrant households in ethnic minorities for settlement Applicable to emigrant households of ethnic minorities who already settle down and have permanent residence in adherence to Decision No. 33/2007/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister: * If the emigrant households of ethnic minorities are poor households satisfying prevailing regulations, VBSP shall lend to them as to the poor. Lending procedures are as stipulated in Document No. 316/NHCS-KH dated 2/5/2003 on guidance on lending to poor households; Document No. 2628/NHCS-NVTD dated 15/12/2004 named guidance on lending to partially meet essential living needs of poor households on house repairment, clean water, electricity and education; and Document No. 676/NHCS/TD dated 22/4/2007 on adjustment of document No. 316/NHCS/KH of the General Director of VBSP on guidance to lending to poor households. * If the emigrant households of ethnic minorities are the extremely disadvantaged living in communes listed in administration units of disadvantaged areas in compliance with Decision No. 30/2007/QD-TTg dated 5/3/2007 of the Prime Minister, VBSP shall lend to the households in adherence to Decision No. 32/2007/QD-TTg dated 5/3/2007 of the Prime Minister. Lending procedures are as stipulated in Document No. 678/NHCS-TD dated 22/4/2007 of the General Director of VBSP on “Guidance on lending in compliance with Decision No. 32/2007/QD-TTg dated 5/3/2007 of the Prime Minister on providing loans to extremely disadvantaged households of ethnic minorities”. * If the emigrant households of ethnic minorities are households living in communes listed in administration units of disadvantaged areas in compliance with Decision No. 30/2007/QD-TTg dated 5/3/2007 of the Prime Minister, VBSP shall lend to the households in adherence to Decision No. 31/2007/QD-TTg dated 5/3/2007 of the Prime Minister. Lending procedures are as stipulated in Document No. 677/NHCS-TD dated 22/4/2007 of the General Director of VBSP on “Guidance on lending in compliance with Decision No. 31/2007/QD-TTg dated 5/3/2007 of the Prime Minister on providing loans to business and productive households in disadvantaged areas”. * If the emigrant households of ethnic minorities employ after drug-detoxification labors, VBSP shall lend to the households in adherence to Decision No. 212/2006/QD-TTg dated 20/9/2006 of the Prime Minister. Lending procedures are as stipulated Document No. 682/NHCS-TD dated 23/4/2007 of the General Director of VBSP on “Guidance on lending in compliance with Decision No. 212/2006/QD-TTg dated 20/9/2006 of the Prime Minister on providing loans to business, production and service units and enterprises employing the after drug-detoxification”. |

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