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Updated: 2021-04-23 15:51:50

Efficiency of lending for Safe Water and Rural Sanitation

(VBSP News) The budget for Safe Water and Rural Sanitation scheme of VBSP has supported thousands of households in Vinh Tuong (Vinh Phuc) province to build or renovate, upgrade their water supply and sanitation facilities. Hence, life quality is improved, and the rural environment is preserved and protected.

Due to the loans from VBSP, Le Thi Thinh - a resident in Binh Duong commune, Vinh Tuong district has invested in rebuilding safe water supply and sanitation works

Le Thi Thinh, who lives in Binh Duong commune, Vinh Tuong district, shared that despite the water pollution from the domestic and livestock wastewater system, her family had to use it on a daily basis because she didn't have enough money to improve the water system.  In 2019, VBSP branch in Vinh Tuong district lent Thinh VND 20 million from the safe water and rural sanitation program to install clean water supply and sanitation works. The construction not only makes Thinh reassured but also improves her life significantly. Her case is a typical example among thousands of cases in Vinh Tuong district to benefit from the program. The loans have created opportunities to build, renovate, upgrade their water supply and sanitation facilities.

According to Mr. Le Van Hop, chairman of Vietnam Farmers' Union in Binh Duong commune, through the Union, more than 300 households have approached the loans to improve their domestic water quality. Thanks to the safe water and rural sanitation program, the percentage of people using clean water and environmental sanitation have enhanced significantly. The program also raises people's awareness of using clean water, protecting and preserving the local environment, forming a culture and civilized lifestyle. Up to 100% of households in Binh Duong commune are able to use clean water. However, the range of loans for clean water and sanitation (from VND 10 million to 20 million per work) cannot meet the standard. Shortly, VBSP will recommend and propose the government raise the loan level to support people using clean water.

The VBSP branch in Vinh Tuong district has been implementing Decision No. 62/2004/QD-TTG of the Prime Minister on credit for a national strategy on Clean Water Supply and Rural Environment Sanitation from 2006 till now. Until the end of March 2021, the outstanding loans of the program reached above VND 144 billion with more than 9.000 customers. In the first half of March 2021, 520 households borrowed the money from the program with a total loan of VND 10 billion approximately.

In order to let the loans be disbursed quickly and promptly to suitable beneficiaries, VBSP branch has associated with the government, socio-political organizations to propagate, review, evaluate, supervise and support local people to approach the loans, besides advising them to use loans effectively.

Vu Thi Hong Khuyen - Director of the VSPB branch in Vinh Tuong district - stated that the safe water and rural sanitation program is a humanitarian program of the Party and the State. The program has promptly met the demands for clean water of the poor, near-poor household and beneficiaries. It partly ensures social security, improves the locals' life quality and new rural criteria in the local area.





Poor Households

Lending to poor households 6,6%/year
Lending to poor households in 64 poor districts as stipulated by the Government Resolution No.30a in 2008 3,3%/year

Near Poor Households

Lending to near poor households 7,92%/year


Lending to disadvantaged students 6,6%/year

People in need of loans for job creation

Lending to business establishments owned by war invalids and handicapped persons 3,3%/year


Term Deposit Rate
Overnight 3,04%/year
1 week 3,23%/year
2 week 3,5%/year