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Updated: 2024-08-26 14:30:57

Support disadvantaged students

Welcoming the new school year, VBSP Ha Tinh Provincial Branch is promoting student credit, supporting disadvantaged students to access preferential policy credit to cover their study expenses.


Ms. Dau Thi Huyen (left) has 3 children taking opportunities of schooling thanks to VBSP’s loans for disadvantaged students

Humane credit program

Lending to disadvantaged students is a humane credit program, demonstrating the Party and State's concern for students in difficult circumstances who want to pursue their dreams of knowledge. Since the policy was deployed, tens of thousands of students in Ha Tinh have been supported to enter university, college, intermediate school, vocational training, opening up a brighter future.

If there were no policy capital, Ms. Dau Thi Huyen’s children (in village 3, Quang Tho commune, Vu Quang district) would not have the opportunity to study. Due to difficult family circumstances, when her children received university admission notices, she worried that she did not have enough money to cover study expenses. Luckily, she could able to access VBSP’s preferential credit for disadvantaged students.

"VBSP Vu Quang district created favorable conditions for my family to access policy loans, thanks to that, my children could complete their university program. The first child studied at Ha Tinh University, the second child studied at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry, both have graduated and have stable jobs. Currently, the third son is also studying at university thanks to VBSP’s student loan. My children have been lent more than VND 200 million by VBSP Vu Quang district to cover their study expenses; the capital is truly making big contribution in building disadvantaged students’ future and stabilizing their lives", Ms. Huyen shared.

Phan Kim Oanh (in Chau Linh village, Tung Anh commune, Duc Tho district) - a student at the Academy of Journalism and Propaganda is also supported with the student loan credit. Oanh shared: "My parents are both self-employed, so their income is very unstable. When I received the university admission notice, VBSP supported resources to help me pursue the university program. Previously, my older sister also received a student loan to study at university".

According to the report of VBSP Ha Tinh Provincial Branch, the student loan program has been really effective, creating a ripple effect in the community. Up to now, the outstanding balance of this program at the branch has reached VND 330.2 billion with nearly 6,800 students receiving loan support.

Policy communication, capital disbursement in accordance with regulations


The review of needs and evaluation of loan recipients for the student loan program in Ha Tinh is carried out in accordance with regulations

The 2024-2025 school year is approaching, the branch is strengthening coordination with local authorities at all levels and mass organizations to promote the student loan credit program so that eligible people can access the policy.

Since the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam were announced, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoai - an official of the Women's Union of Quang Tho commune, Vu Quang district, has made survey to grasp the demand for student loans. The review of demand and evaluation of loan recipients for the student loan program in Ha Tinh is carried out in accordance with regulations.

Ms. Hoai shared: "We have promoted communication about the student loan credit program with loan conditions, loan amounts and preferential interest rates so that families in need can grasp it. Based on the loan application, we review, organize the assessment and compile a list of households eligible for loans and send them to VBSP for timely disbursement, serving the learning conditions of the children in the new school year".

3,054 Savings and Credit Groups with the participation of local authorities at all levels and mass organizations receiving the trust are considered as "extended arms" of VBSP in implementing preferential credit policies. Before the new school year, the Savings and Credit Groups proactively met families of disadvantaged students to grasp their needs.

According to Mr. Tran Toai Nguyen - Director of VBSP Duc Tho district, the outstanding debt of the unit's student program is currently nearly VND 31 billion. At the beginning of the new school year, the demand for student loans has increased, the unit has been coordinating with local authorities to promote communication on policy credit for students. To increase the effectiveness of the program, the unit has been strengthening communication through many channels, especially through 211 Savings and Credit Groups in communes and towns; appraising documents quickly, and disbursing capital in a timely manner in accordance with legal regulations.

Beneficiaries of the student credit program include: students from poor households, near-poor households; students who are orphans or whose remaining parents are no longer able to work; students whose families are facing financial difficulties due to accidents, illnesses, natural disasters, fires, epidemics during their studies with confirmation from the local authorities. The maximum loan amount of the program is 4,000,000 VND/month/student.

Thao Hien



Poor Households

Lending to poor households 6,6%/year
Lending to poor households in 64 poor districts as stipulated by the Government Resolution No.30a in 2008 3,3%/year

Near Poor Households

Lending to near poor households 7,92%/year


Lending to disadvantaged students 6,6%/year

People in need of loans for job creation

Lending to business establishments owned by war invalids and handicapped persons 3,3%/year


Term Deposit Rate
Overnight 3,04%/year
1 week 3,23%/year
2 week 3,5%/year