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Updated: 2024-09-09 09:25:02

Coastal communes - Rising out of poverty

Thanks to social policy credit, the effectiveness of sustainable poverty reduction in Binh Chanh commune, Binh Son district (Quang Ngai) has been improved.

quang ngai

Hung Loan squid facility (right) is recognized as a 3-star OCOP product

Promoting potential and strengths

Binh Chanh is a commune where 70% of the population mainly lives on agriculture and fishing. In recent years, Binh Chanh has focused on developing diverse methods of catching and processing seafood, contributing to poverty reduction and income improvement for local people.

Ms. Loan shared that her facility has boldly innovated production to improve products and increase sales.


Hung Loan squid raft facility has access to social policy credit to invest in purchasing machinery, improving output and quality in production

With the motto of promoting quality, protecting consumers' health and maintaining the characteristic flavor, Hung Loan facility does not use preservatives or additives to create color or smell... In 2022, Ms. Loan's family's squid products were recognized as 3-star OCOP products.

Currently, the products are supplied to the market in and outside the province, and are very popular with customers.

"This profession has brought my family an annual revenue of over VND 1 billion. It creates regular jobs for 3 local female workers, an average of nearly 4 million VND/month", Ms. Loan said.

Hung Loan squid facility has received VND 80 million from Binh Son district to invest in machinery, improve production output and quality. In 2023, business households were facilitated to borrow VND 100 million from VBSP’s program of jobs creation.

Mobilizing resources for sustainable poverty reduction

Poverty reduction has always been paid attention, helping people stabilize their lives. In particular, housing support for poor households is one of the policies that all levels and sectors are interested in.

Ms. Le Thi Xuan Huong (70 years old) is a poor household with especially difficult circumstances. Ms. Huong is a single mother, taking care of her elderly mother, and she herself is often sick. Previously, Ms. Huong and her mother lived in a degraded house for many years. From the budget of project “Enhancing the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities to climate change-related impacts in Vietnam” (GCF), her family was supported with amount of VND 82 million, along with additional contributions from relatives to build a new house.

“I am living with my elderly mother on monthly social welfare. I feel very happy because all levels and sectors have paid attention and created conditions to help my family build a new spacious house, helping me stabilize my life”, Ms. Huong said emotionally.

Each life, each fate is different, but with the attention of the Party and the State and the sharing of the community. Ms. Pham Thi Meo expressed: “During the rainy season this year, my children and I were able to live in a solid house filled with human love. This is the motivation for me and my children to study well, and later become useful people for society”.

Ms. Meo's situation was difficult. Her husband died of a serious illness, and her eldest child died in an accident. The pain of loss continuously befell her family. Understanding the difficulties of Ms. Meo's situation, the local authorities often encouraged and helped her family. With the support of VND 82 million from GCF and her relatives, Ms. Meo built a house with an area of ​​over 50 square meters.

Supporting the livelihood for poor households

According to Mr. Nguyen Huu Phap - Vice Chairman of Binh Chanh Commune People's Committee, in recent times, Binh Chanh has focused on promoting propaganda on the policies of the National Target Program on Poverty Reduction, good models and effective methods.

In 2022 and 2023, from the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction, Binh Chanh has supported livelihoods for 38 households, including support for breeding cows and raising chickens. Up to now, the whole commune has 174 poor households, accounting for 3.71%; 198 near-poor households, accounting for 4.22%. By the end of 2024, the commune strives to reduce 61 poor households and 49 near-poor households.

“In the coming time, Binh Chanh Commune will continue to strengthen propaganda work to all people about the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction in order to raise awareness of poverty reduction work in the locality, arouse the will to rise up of the poor,” Mr. Phap shared.

Nhu Dong



Poor Households

Lending to poor households 6,6%/year
Lending to poor households in 64 poor districts as stipulated by the Government Resolution No.30a in 2008 3,3%/year

Near Poor Households

Lending to near poor households 7,92%/year


Lending to disadvantaged students 6,6%/year

People in need of loans for job creation

Lending to business establishments owned by war invalids and handicapped persons 3,3%/year


Term Deposit Rate
Overnight 3,04%/year
1 week 3,23%/year
2 week 3,5%/year