Updated: 2022-03-15 15:36:46
Supporting female workers to get more jobs
- Policy credit support ex-prisoners in their new lives
- Job creation from policy credit helps local residents improve livelihoods
- Boost poverty reduction in Ha Nam province
- Prime Minister hails social policy credit’s role in poverty reduction
- Phát huy vai trò của các tổ chức chính trị-xã hội nhận ủy thác trong nhiệm vụ tín dụng chính sách chính phủ giao
- VBSP's journey in poverty reduction over the past 20 years
- Assessment of international organizations on social policy credit activities
- VBSP supports people access to capital and prevent bad credit
- Local businesses recover quickly after the pandemic
- The joy of households receiving VBSP's loans
- Deploying the programme on socio-economic recovery and development
- Effectiveness of policy credit from the Party directive
- Supporting livelihood after Covid-19 pandemic
- Policies on supporting tourism development in Lao Cai province in the period of 2021-2025
- VBSP in Dong Nai province supports businesses to pay salaries for their employees
- Support people to reproduce after the Covid-19 pandemic
- Statement of the Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam in Vietnam Economic Forum 2021
- Solutions to stimulate job demand on the spot for the unemployed
- Creating livelihoods for the poor affected by COVID-19

- Social policies bank asked to diversify capital sources to best serve the poor
- Deputy Prime Minister Ho Duc Phoc chairs a working session with VBSP
- Policy credit helps poor households eliminate temporary and dilapidated houses
- Policy credit contributes to sustainable poverty reduction
- Effectiveness of Loan Capital for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
- Eliminating temporary and dilapidated houses with policy credit funds
- Policy credit supports ethnic minority youth in starting businesses
- Effectiveness of Policy Credit in Nghia Hanh District
- Women play an important role in growth of Vietnam's banking sector
- Ex-prisoners stabilize their lives thanks to policy credit